Monday, June 29, 2009

I love Amazon Prime

You know there's a lot more confessing my love of things and a lot less bitching than I expected to do in this blog, but oh well, appreciating things sometimes is good for the soul. It's been ten days since my last post, and I have to write about something.

Amazon Prime has been a godsend for me. Anyone who's jumped on the bandwagon knows what I mean. For a single person it'll cost you a deterring $80 to start up an account, but the catch, the good kind of catch, is that it's open to up to four members of your family. What people end up doing is splitting the costs between each person, and claiming each one as a blood relative, whoever they are. The result is a closeness with your friends you've never known, as you begin to think of them more as brothers....or cousins...or in-laws....or uncles.......nephews............male mistresses.

But aside from white lies, there is the closeness you feel because they helped you gain access to something that will drain your bank account utterly in the year to come, all while filling your sense of happiness to ridiculous levels. Afterall, for only $16 (Paypal keeps a bit for themselves), having free two day shipping for anything Amazon ships themselves for 12 months is a pretty damn good deal. And as popular as this scheme is, I'd find it hard to believe that Amazon isn't privvy to it. Hell to let it go on for this long seems almost supportive of it, and they'd have to have known when they formulated the terms of the service that this sort of thing might take place.

So for every paycheck I recieve, I find myself buying something on Amazon. This has become a ritual going on for months now. I figured I'd use it often enough, but I'm pretty astonished about just how much I find myself using it. It's practically an excuse in and of itself to splurge on something. Of course it also means I don't even give any other online shop a second glance, at least when it comes to multimedia, which is no doubt something Amazon is keen on, and probably why they haven't killed the four-member family loophole, or raised the price for membership.

Of course I've spoken a couple times about my newfound love for collecting Blu-Ray movies, and...well this is a good reason why it's taken off like it has. If you don't have an Amazon Prime account, I suggest you find four people on the internet that you intimately trust, and get yourself set up with it. Otherwise, you might as well just buy all your stuff from local places, because paying taxes on purchased goods is just as obsolete as paying for shipping is now.